
Installation and configuration documentation of my Arch Linux setup in GitHub Pages.

Recommended supplements for new installations

This page describes some supplementary but strongly recommended packages and their configuration for new installations. It is assumed that all of the necessary essential configuration has been done.

To reduce dependencies, the main recommended packages on this page are all part of the core repository. In some cases additional notes have been added which refer to possibly useful packages in either the extra or the community repository.

Command line editor

Install package vi.

Additionally, to have a more intuitive kind of editor, you could Install package nano. For an extended vi editor, you could Install package gvim or vim (see

Add an administrative user

Install prerequisites

As user root:

Add the user

useradd -m -G wheel <username>
passwd <username>

Reading manual pages

Install packages man-db and man-pages.

Adding AUR package management with yaourt


sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git

Install package-query

git clone
cd package-query
makepkg -sri
cd ..

Install yaourt

git clone
cd yaourt
makepkg -sri
cd ..

Now you can use yaourt to update your system, install some packages etc.


rm -rf package-query yaourt

Please also check some more optimizations for a new installation.